Many features can be added to a swimming pool, but a cave or a grotto could be the perfect addition. Such a feature adds aesthetic value and a sense of privacy to any pool, and caves and grottos may be created in a variety of uniquely appealing ways. Additionally, grottos and caves can be constructed to meet individual preferences and circumstances.
Swimming pool caves and grottos come in various sizes, so they are suitable for a wide range of pools and budgets. A pool of modest size might be best complemented by a small grotto that extends over the heads of one or two people. To accompany a luxury pool of large proportions, a big cave could be ideal.
The lighting in a pool grotto can also be tailored to the needs of the individual, and lighting can transform the way a pool looks. In numerous cases, a few lights scattered throughout the area are sufficient. However, many people desire more than simple lighting. To such individuals, lights in assorted hues and sizes may be preferable. One example is a light with a violet hue, which could be installed near the mouth of a grotto.
Seating options range from simple to elaborate. Benches can be built into the structure of a grotto. A bench might accommodate one person or a few people, depending on its dimensions. Seating might also be available in an assortment of shapes.
Heating is typically installed in the pool, but a cave or grotto can give extra warmth to the area. Especially when a cave is almost entirely enclosed, it shelters people from the cool nighttime air. If additional heating is required, custom arrangements may be possible.
The depth of a grotto or cave often depends on how deep the rest of the swimming pool is. If a pool is particularly deep, it could be offset by a small, shallow grotto. A pool that is moderately proportioned might be accompanied by one or two caves that are relatively deep.
Pool caves may be equipped with a variety of additional features. If a cave is spacious enough, a dry deck could be installed, on which people might have access to a wet bar and lounge chairs. It is also possible to build shelves for a stereo and speakers. An elaborate cave might include a television, a waterfall, and an aquarium.
Caves and grottos can be added to almost any swimming pool. Our talented builders have years of experience. Contact us today, and we will help you build the swimming pool of your dreams.